What Are the Keys to Customer and Employee Retention?

There is so much weight on leaders right now. You’re expected to deal with an ever-changing world and its effects on your organization. You need to take care of your customers and continue to grow the business. At the same time, you need to take care of your team because attracting and retaining top talent…

What Does the Future of Business Look Like?

What Does the Future of Business Look Like? “Change is the only constant in life.” – Heraclitus. This saying by a Greek philosopher has never felt truer than over the past two years. Change has seemed constant, at times sudden, or even jarring. The truth is, the business landscape and the workplace itself would have…

What is the difference between customer service and customer experience?

What is the Difference Between Customer Service and Customer Experience? Gaining and retaining customers is more important now than ever. Customer expectations are high, and the marketplace is crowded. It can seem as if customer loyalty is a thing of the past. Technology makes it easy for customers to seek alternative products and services –and…

How to Beat Burnout

Feelings of stress and burnout have never been more prevalent in our country’s workforce. How can leaders and teams work to improve performance and productivity without feeling overwhelmed? What do the most successful people do to continually get better? The answers to those questions are revealed in the newest book and keynote program by Alan…

Top Sales Keynote Speakers for 2024

The right sales keynote speaker can impact the bottom line. The role of a sales professional is changing. In fact, the entire sales process is evolving to meet demands for higher levels of personalized service and stronger relationships. Today’s sales professionals need to deliver value. The world is constantly changing, and companies must adapt to…

A Transformative Approach to Workplace Conversations

In an ever-growing digital world where people are busier and more stressed than they’ve ever been, never has deeper and more effective communication been more important. Leaders have witnessed stunning shifts in the workforce. Salespeople are experiencing new demands from customers. Expectations for everyone have changed. And surface-level conversations are no longer enough. Today, to…