Social Media Strategy for Small Businesses

Your customers have high expectations. Listening to those expectations, needs, and how your customers feel is extremely important for your business’ success. Mark Schaefer’s programs specialize in marketing strategies for content marketing, digital marketing, social media, and personal branding. In a recent blog post, he explains that social media monitoring is essential for many companies…

Mark Schaefer Releases Lessons

Mark Schaefer is a globally-recognized keynote speaker, educator, business consultant, and author. His blog {grow} is hailed as one of the top marketing blogs in the world. Mark has advanced degrees in marketing and organization development; holds seven patents; and is a faculty member of the graduate studies program at Rutgers University. Customized for every…

Build Brand Invincibility

Melissa Agnes helps organizations protect the brands and reputations they’ve worked so hard to build. As a keynote speaker, author, and business advisor, her programs teach effective communication, issue management, reputation management, and crisis readiness. When bad things happen to good companies, Melissa’s clients learn how to react and respond – resulting in increased trust,…

How to Be an Effective Event Host

Brian Fanzo is a pager-wearing millennial, translator of geek-speak, podcast host, and keynote speaker who is shifting generational perspectives on marketing, social media, innovation, embracing change, and digital empathy. Fanzo inspires, motivates, and educates businesses on how to leverage emerging technologies and digital marketing – to stand out from the noise and engage with customers…